ID Session Speaker name Talk title
  ID name    
26 S9-10 PhotoPerf AKCHURIN, Nural (Texas Tech University) An Anti-Cherenkov Photomultipler Tube
123 S7 Hybrid AKINDINOV, Alexander (ITEP(Moscow)) Development of WLS+SiPM photo detection system for readout of THGEM in noble gas filled detectors.
130 S10 SiC ARAMO, Carla (INFN - Sezione di Napoli) Progress in the realization of a SiC photodetector
86 S14 Xray AVENEL, Marie-laure (CEA-LETI) Semiconductor X-rays 3D detector realization for medical imaging
160 S9-10 PhotoPerf BARNYAKOV, Mikhail (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Photocathode aging in microchannel plate PMT
108 S12 Camera BENMOUSSA, Ali (STCE - ROB) Development of (E)UV CMOS APS for EUI onboard Solar Orbiter
157 S1-2 SIPM R&D BéRARD, Philippe (Excelitas Technologies) Characterization study of a new UV-SiPM with low dark count rate
32 S5 SYS BERNARD, Denis (LLR, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS/IN2P3) High-angular-precision gamma-ray astronomy and polarimetry.
127 S3-4 FEE BRETON, Dominique (CNRS / LAL ORSAY) Using ultra fast analog memories for fast photo-detector readout
197 S5 MCP BURMISTROV, Leonid (LAL) The “DIRC-like FTOF”: a time-of-flight Cherenkov detector for particle identification at SuperB
132 S3-4 FEE CALLIER, Stéphane (OMEGA - IN2P3) EASIROC, an easy & versatile readout device for SiPM
125 S12 Camera CHABANAT, Eric (IPNL) ebCMOS Bioluminescence Observation
12 S15 SYS Appli CURCEANU, Catalina Oana (LNF-INFN) Experimental tests of the trigger prototype for the AMADEUS experiment based on Scintillating Fibers read by Silicon PhotoMultipliers
158 S8 PET DOLENEC, Rok (Institut Jozef Stefan) Time-of-Flight PET using Cherenkov Photons Produced in PbF2 Crystals
193 S11 Gaseous DUVAL, Samuel (Subatech, Ecole des Mines, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Nantes, 44307 Nantes, France) Studies of a cryogenic gaseous photomultiplier for scintillation detection in noble liquids
201 S7 Hybrid Emilija Pantic (UCLA) Status of QUPID, a novel photosensor for noble liquid detectors
122 S8 PET FABRICE, Retiere (TRIUMF) A low cost high performance planar detector for Positron Emission Tomography
115 S3-4 FEE FERRY, Sophie (CEA saclay) Multi-time-over-threshold technique for photomultiplier signal processing: characterisation of the SCOTT ASIC
57 S1-2 SIPM R&D FRACH, Thomas (Philips Digital Photon Counting) The Digital Silicon Photomultiplier - System Architecture and Performance Evaluation
36 S5 MCP FRANCO, Andrea (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) Amorphous Silicon Based Microchannel Plates
33 S1-2 SIPM R&D GARUTTI, Erika (DESY) Cerenkov light readout with SiPM on small scintillator tiles
163 S3-4 FEE GENAT, Jean-Francois (CNRS/IN2P3) A 4-Channel Fast Waveform Sampling ASIC using 130nm CMOS technology
39 S1-2 SIPM R&D HAN, Dejun (Beijing Normal University) Progress on SiPM with bulk quenching resistor
161 S7 Hybrid HARA, Koji (Nagoya University) Study of 144-channel Hybrid Avalanche Photo-Detector for Belle II RICH Counter
58 S9-10 PhotoPerf HEERING, Adriaan (Notre Dame University) Radiation Damage Studies of Silicon Photomultipliers for SLHC at CERN PS IRRAD-6 facility
120 S8 PET HELLER, Matthieu (CERN PH/DT) AX-PET - A novel PET concept with G-APD readout
48 S17 SIPM HEP HONDA, Ryotaro (Tohoku University) Development of a tracking detector system with multichannel scintillation fibers and PPD
41 S9-10 PhotoPerf INGRAM, Quentin (PSI) Response of CMS APDs to low energy neutrons
84 S6 SIPM Astro KIRN, Thomas (RWTH Aachen University) The PERDaix detector
7 S16 Facil KOTOV, Ivan (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, US) CCD Characterization and Measurements Automation
92 S6 SIPM Astro KRäHENBüHL, Thomas (ETH Zurich) G-APDs in Cherenkov astronomy: the FACT camera
173 S5 MCP LAPINGTON, Jon (University of Leicester, UK) Progress towards a 256 channel multi-anode microchannel plate photomultiplier system with picosecond timing
190 S11 Gaseous LEVORATO, Stefano (INFN - Trieste university) Detection of single photons with ThickGEM-based counters
171 S6 SIPM Med LLOSA, Gabriela (IFIC (CSIC-UVEG) - Valencia) Detector characterization and first coincidence tests of a Compton telescope based on LaBr3 crystals and SiPMs
55 S7 Hybrid LUBSANDORZHIEV, Bayarto (Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS) Development of a hybrid photutube with ZnO:Ga luminescent screen and GaN photocathode
4 S12 Camera MENDEZ, Jacob (Los Alamos National Laboratory) MOXIE "Movies Of eXtreme Imaging Experiments"
28 S16 Facil MéNESGUEN, Yves (CEA) SOLEX: a comprehensive tool for X-ray detectors characterization
159 S14 Xray MEURIS, ALine (CEA SACLAY) Caliste-256, 580 µm pixel pitch CdTe imaging spectrometer for space science
46 S6 SIPM Astro MIYAMOTO, Hiroko (Ebisuzaki Computational Astrophysics Laboratory, ASI, RIKEN, Japan) SiPM interdisciplinary application in the fields of astroparticle physics and bio molecular science
83 S17 SIPM HEP MUSIENKO, Yury (Fermilab/INR(Moscow)) Studies of large dynamic range silicon photomultipliers for the CMS HCAL upgrade.
21 S3-4 FEE NAUMANN, Christopher (LPNHE, Université Paris VI & IN2P3/CNRS, Paris, France) NECTAr : New Electronics for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
59 S1-2 SIPM R&D NINKOVIC, Jelena (Max Planck Institute for Physics Semiconductor Laboratory) SiPMs with Bulk Integrated Quench Resistors - Properties and Perspectives
169 S14 Xray ODAKA, Hirokazu (ISAS/JAXA) Development of high-resolution Compton cameras based on Si/CdTe imaging detectors
78 S8 PET OGER, Tugdual (Subatech - UMR 6457) A liquid xenon TPC for a medical imaging Compton telescope
152 S15 SYS Appli PATZAK, Thomas (Université Paris Diderot Paris 7) Laguna: Future Megaton Detectors in Europe
77 S11 Gaseous PESKOV, Vladimir (CERN) Development and tests of a large area CsI-TGEM-based RICH prototype
96 S13 Orga PONOMARENKO, Sergei (EISPM-Russian Academy of Sciences) Development of new oligomeric and polymeric materials for bulk heterojunction photovoltaic cells and photodetectors
165 S1-2 SIPM R&D POPOVA, Elena (MEPHI, Russia) Large area UV SiPMs with extremely low cross-talk
47 S7 Hybrid QIAN, Sen (The Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science) A design of the new type of MCP-PMT for the Daya Bay II
97 S8 PET RISSI, Michael (Universitetet i Oslo) Characterization of a High Resolution and High Sensitivity Pre-Clinical PET Scanner with 3D Event Reconstruction
178 S1-2 SIPM R&D SEIFERT, Stefan (Delft University of Technology) Understanding the timing performance of silicon photomultipliers in fast scintillation detection
172 S6 SIPM Astro SHAYDUK, Maxim (DESY Zeuthen) Light sensors selection for the Cerenkov Telescope Array:  PMT and SiPM
192 S9-10 PhotoPerf SIEGMUND, Oswald (University of California) A New Approach to Photocathode Development: From the Recipe to Theory Inspired Design
17 S17 SIPM HEP STOYKOV, Alexey (Paul Scherrer Institut) A time-resolution study with a plastic scintillator read out by a Geiger-mode Avalanche Photodiode
80 S12 Camera TAVERNET, Jean-paul (UPMC) The camera of the H.E.S.S. II experiment
27 S5 MCP UHLIG, Fred (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) Systematic Studies of Microchannel Plate PMTs
51 S16 Facil YOSHIMURA, Koji (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)) Multi-wavelength Study of PPDs using an OPO Tunable  Pulse Laser Microscope system
99 S6 SIPM Astro ZORN, Carl (Jefferson Laboratory) Characterizing Silicon Photomultiplier Arrays for the GlueX Barrel Calorimeter