General information
Scientific Program
Call for abstracts

NDIP 2011 - Editing Rules

Dear Authors,

Your paper will be published in a special issue of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. This proceeding is submitted to review process.

The organizing committee invites you to submit your paper during the conference week in order to minimize the proceedings publication time. In addition, you will be able to take advantage of the organizer’s support to submit your paper on line.

NDIP11 authors are invited to use  official LateX:

templateior unofficial MS word template. The latter has been created by the NDIP11 organizing committee only to help authors to test the length of their article, limited to 4 printed NIMA pages. However, it mustn’t be used to submit the article online.

However, the submission deadline is 15th of September 2011.

Your paper will be submitted online on NIM-A web site according to the following procedure:

Useful informations
Previous Conf.

Webmaster : C. Bourge