July 5
Tuesday |
08:00-09:15 |
Electronic |
J.F. Genat (LPNHE) |
09:15-09:35 |
Session 3 Front End Electronique |
ID21 - NECTAr : New
Electronics for the Cherenkov Telescope… |
C. Naumann |
09:35-09:55 |
ID115 -
Multi-time-over-threshold technique for… |
S. Ferry |
09:55-10:15 |
Highlights - Poster I |
Y. Mussienko ( |
10:15-10:45 |
Coffee break, Poster I & Exhibition Hall |
10:45-11:15 |
11:15-11:35 |
Session 4 Front End Electronique |
ID127 - Using ultra fast analog memories
for fast… |
D. Breton |
11:35-11:55 |
ID132 - EASIROC, an easy & versatile
readout device for… |
S. Callier |
11:55-12:15 |
ID163 - A 4-Channel Fast Waveform Sampling ASIC… |
J.F. Genat |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00-14:20 |
Session 5 MCP + Sys |
ID27 - Systematic Studies of Microchannel
Plate PMTs |
F. Uhlig |
14:20-14:40 |
ID32 - High-angular-precision
gamma-ray astronomy and… |
D. Bernard |
14:40-15:00 |
ID36 - Amorphous Silicon Based Microchannel
Plates |
A. Franco |
15:00-15:20 |
- Progress
towards a 256 channel multi-anode… |
J. Lapington |
15:20-15:40 |
ID197 - The “DIRC-like FTOF”: a time-of-flight… |
L. Burmistrov |
15:40-16:00 |
ID46 - SiPM interdisciplinary application in the fields of… |
H. Miyamoto |
16:00-16:30 |
Coffee break, Exhibition Hall |
16:30-16:50 |
Session 6 SiPM astro + Med |
ID84 - The PERDaix detector |
T. Kirn |
16:50-17:10 |
ID92 - G-APDs in Cherenkov astronomy: the FACT camera… |
T. Kraehenbuehl |
17:10-17:30 |
ID99 - Characterizing
Silicon Photomultiplier Arrays for… |
C. Zorn |
17:30-17:50 |
ID171 - Detector characterization and first coincidence… |
G. Llosa |
17:50-18:10 |
ID172 - Light sensors selection for the Cerenkov… |
M. Shayduk |
18:30-18:45 |
(Poster I > Poster II) |
Free |