Agenda HighLighters
ID Session Presenter Name Poster Title Position Number
  ID name    
Tuesday July 5, 2011 AM    
22 PI SiPM GUNDACKER, Stefan (CERN - Department PH) Systematic Timing Measurements with Three Different SiPMs and Various Scintillating Crystals 1
56 PI SiPM VILELLA, Eva (University of Barcelona) Gated Geiger mode avalanche photodiode pixels with integrated readout electronics for low noise photon and particle detection 2
68 PI SiPM DEGENHARDT, Carsten (Philips Digital Photon Counting) Highly integrated arrays of digital SiPMs with easy readout interface 3
69 PI SiPM XU, Yupeng (Institute of high energy physics, CAS) A gain control and stabilization technique for silicon multipliers used in low light applications 4
76 PI SiPM JENDRYSIK, Christian (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Semiconductor laboratory) New method for determination of non-quenching regime for silicon photomultipliers: A comparative study 5
79 PI SiPM TOLEDO-ALARCóN, José F. (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) Readout electronics for the SiPM tracking plane in the NEXT-1 prototype 6
85 PI SiPM TAIRA, Yoshitaka (Nagoya University) Development of pulse width measurement techniques of ultra-short gamma ray pulses 7
94 PI SiPM CACCIA, Massimo (Universita' dell'Insubria) Silicon photomultipliers: a low-cost enabling tool for teaching labs at undergraduate level 8
110 PI SiPM VINOGRADOV, Sergey (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science) Analytical models of probability distribution and excess noise factor of Solid State Photomultiplier signals with crosstalk 9
186 PI SiPM NAKAMURA, Isamu (KEK) Radiation damage of Pixelated Photon Detector by Neutron Irradiation 11
155 PI SiPM RABAIOLI, Simone (Universita' degli Studi Dell'Insubria - Como, Italy) Silicon Photomultipliers for scintillating trackers 10
107 PI SiPM-Med HUDIN, Nicolas (laboratoire IMNC) Characterization and Optimization of Silicon Photomultipliers for the Development of Intraoperative Beta Probes 19
112 PI SiPM-Med POPOV, Vladimir (LIintech Inc) New modular readout for radiation imaging application 20
180 PI SiPM-Med MOUTINHO, Luis (I3n, Physics Department, University of Aveiro) Scintillating optical fiber coupled to a SiPM for radiation dosimetry 21
13 PI SiPM-PET RIGGI, Francesco (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania, Italy) Characterization of time and energy resolution of recent STMicroelectronics Silicon Photomultipliers for Time-of-Flight PET applications 12
43 PI SiPM-PET MORROCCHI, Matteo (INFN Pisa) Test modelling of a data acquisition system for Time of flight PET 13
49 PI SiPM-PET GONZALEZ MARTINEZ, Antonio Javier (Institute for Instrumentation and Molecular Imaging, I3M) Innovative PET detector concept based on SiPMs and continuous crystals 14
89 PI SiPM-PET SILENZI, Alessandro (DESY) Towards a multi-channel TOFPET system with SiPM readout 15
119 PI SiPM-PET AHMED, Mahfuza (Oxford University & Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (STFC)) Characterisation of Silicon Photomultipliers for Time-Of-Flight applications 16
143 PI SiPM-PET AVELLA, Paola (University of Surrey) A study of Silicon Photomultipliers pulse structure 17
187 PI SiPM-PET NICOLA, D'ascenzo (National Research Nuclear University) Study of Silicon Photomultipliers for New Generation of PET 18
 Wednesday July 6, 2011 PM      
109 PII APD PETYT, David (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) Anomalous APD signals in the CMS ECAL 12
185 PII APD MUSIENKO, Yury (Fermilab/INR(Moscow)) Response of avalanche photodiodes to alpha particles, fast neutrons, low energy gammas and electrons. 13
138 PII Camera KOTOV, Ivan (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, US) Charge Diffusion Measurement in Fully Depleted CCD using X-rays 19
181 PII Camera ZANDA, Gianmarco (King's College London) Wide-Field Single Photon Counting Imaging with an Ultrafast CMOS-Camera and an Image Intensifier 20
35 PII Hybrid PERIALE, Luciano (ifsi-inaf, infn and cern) CVD Diamond sensor for UV-photons 10
37 PII Hybrid MARES, Jiri A. (Institute of Physics, AS CR, Czech Republic) Use of Hybrid Photon Detectors in scintillation studies and imagin applications 11
45 PII Other TOKANAI, Fuyuki (Yamagata Univ.) New Micro Mesh Gas Detector for Gaseous Photomultiplier 22
62 PII Other SINGH, Bhartendu (Physics Department, Banaras Hindu University) Influence of humidity on the photoemission properties and surface morphology of Cesium Iodide photocathode 21
168 PII Other CASTRO, Ismael Filipe (i3n, Physics Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal) First steps towards small prototype gamma camera based on wavelength shifting fibers 21
207 PII Other SHATOVA Ekatarina (SPE Geofizika-Cosmos) Auroral imaging from perspective Russian satellites and preferable characteristics of photodetection 23  
144 PII Solid State FERNANDEZ GARCIA, Marcos (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria IFCA-CSIC) Improving photodetection of silicon microstrip sensors for particle trackers 14
184 PII Solid State BLAZEJ, Josef (CTU in Prague) Single photon avalanche diode radiation tests 15
14 PII Xray KANNO, Ikuo (Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University) Third generation computed tomography with energy information of X-rays using a CdTe flat panel detector 1
25 PII Xray SATO, Yuki (Kyoto University) Photon detection by an InSb compound semiconductor detector with reduced leakage current 2
95 PII Xray HANSSON, Conny (European Space Agency/ESTEC) Synchrotron radiation studies of spectral features caused by Te inclusions in CdZnTe 3
98 PII Xray MEURIS, Aline (CEA/Irfu) Caliste-SO X-ray micro-camera for the STIX instrument on-board Solar Orbiter mission 4
153 PII Xray SOKOLOV, Igor (A.F. Ioffe Physical Technical institute) Spectroscopic and non-spectroscopic diagnostics of radiation detectors 7
179 PII Xray OWENS, Alan (ESA/ESTEC) GaN detector development for particle and X-ray detection 8
Thursday July 7, 2011 PM      
156 PIII Crystal SELIVERSTOV, Dmitry (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute) New fast scintillators on the base of BaF2 crystals with increased light yield of 0.9 ns luminescence for TOF PET. 21
93 PIII Crystal-PMT HULL, Giulia (CNRS - Institut de Physique Nucleaire d'Orsay) Energy resolution of LaBr3:Ce in a Phoswich configuration with CsI:Na and NaI:Tl scintillator crystals. 18
206 PIII Crystal-PMT DAUVERGNE Denis (IPNL Lyon) Design and development  of a Time-of-Flight Compton camera for on-line control of hadrontherapy 19
40 PIII PMT KALEKIN, Oleg (Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, University of Erlangen) Photomultipliers for the KM3NeT optical modules 2
53 PIII PMT CARLES, Montserrat (I3M (CSIC-UPV-CIEMAT)) Performance results of a DOI-encoding small animal PET system with monolithic scintillators. 3
61 PIII PMT LEE, Bongsoo (School of Biomedical Engineering, College of Biomedical, Health Science, Konkuk University) Multi-dimensional Fiber-optic Radiation Sensor for Ocular Proton Therapy Dosimetry 4
67 PIII PMT MONTGOMERY, Rachel (University of Glasgow) Multianode Photomultiplier Tube Studies for Imaging Applications 6
75 PIII PMT ESSER, Anselm (Institut für Kernphysik / Universität Mainz) Characterization and calibration of a scintillating fibre detector with > 4000 multianode PMT channels 7
81 PIII PMT KAVATSYUK, Oksana (KVI/University of Groningen, The Netherlands) Multi-PMT optical module for the KM3NeT neutrino telescope 8
82 PIII PMT JAKOBSEN, Sune (PhD Student at CERN and The Niels Bohr Institute (Copenhagen University)) Calibration, testing, commissioning and first data of ALFA at LHC 9
88 PIII PMT CHABAUD, Julien (Laboratoire APC - AstroParticules & Cosmologie) Studies of anticoïncidence systems: application to Simbol-X and IXO/HXI 10
142 PIII PMT POLESHCHUK, Roman (Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS) The observation of a new class of afterpulses in classical vacuum photomultipliers 11
136 PIII SiPM-Astro BLAZEJ, Josef (CTU in Prague) Photodiode optical to electrical signal delay 23
154 PIII SiPM-Astro RODRIGUES, Pedro (LIP) R&D in Photosensors and Data Acquisition Systems for a New Generation of Cosmic Ray Cherenkov and Fluorescence Imaging Focal Planes 24
15 PIII SiPM-HEP IVASHKIN, Alexander (Institute for Nuclear Research) Hadron  calorimeter with MAPD readout in the NA61/SHINE experiment 12
71 PIII SiPM-HEP FALKENSTEIN, Raphael (University of Tuebingen) Extensive studies of MRS APDs for plastic scintillator muon veto detector of cryogenic experiments 14
90 PIII SiPM-HEP MINEEV, Oleg (INR RAS (Moscow)) Characterization and performance of  multi-pixel photon counters in T2K experiment 15
101 PIII SiPM-HEP FREEMAN, Jim (Fermilab) Upgrade of the CMS Hadron Outer Calorimeter with SIPMs 16
118 PIII SiPM-HEP PUILL, Véronique (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL) Single Photoelectron Timing Resolution of SiPM in function of the wavelength and the temperature 17
Friday July 8, 2011 AM      
20 PIV FEE CONFORTI DI LORENZO, Selma (Laboratoire de l'accélérateur linéaire) PARISROC, an autonomous front-end ASIC for triggerless acquisition in next generation neutrinos experiments. 11
24 PIV FEE NAKAJIMA, Hiroshi (Osaka University) Performance and radiation tolerance of ASTRO-H SXI ASIC 12
30 PIV FEE HUIZENGA, Jan (Delft University of Technology) A fast preamplifier concept for SiPM based time-of-flight PET detectors 13
44 PIV FEE GASCON, David (ICC - University of Barcelona) Wideband pulse amplifiers for the NECTAr chip 14
66 PIV FEE DENG, Shiming (Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL)) Front-end multi-channel PMT-associated readout chip for hodoscope application 15
87 PIV FEE VOROBIOV, Serguei (LUPM - UMR 5299 CNRS & UM2) Optimizing read-out of the NECTAr front-end electronics 16
100 PIV FEE DELAGNES, Eric (CEA/IRFU - Gif/Yvette - France) A MultiGiga Sample/s Digitizer ASIC for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 17
162 PIV FEE MICHALOWSKA, Alicja (CEA-IRFU) Imaging X-Ray Detector Front-end with High Dynamic Range: IDeF-X HD 18
164 PIV FEE GUéRIN, Cyrille (IPNL) A CMOS acquisition system with a true 10 Gbps bandwidth 19
202 PIV FEE GUILLOUX Fabrice (CEA Saclay) A new concept of amplitude and time digitizer ASIC for photomultiplier tubes signal processing 20
191 PIV Gaseous MARGATO, Luís (LIP-Coimbra, Physics Dep., University of Coimbra, Portugal) Effect of the gas contamination on CF4 primary and secondary scintillation 3
195 PIV Gaseous SANTOS, Carlos (I3N - Physics Department - University of Aveiro) THGEM based VUV photosensor incorporating the THCOBRA for Ion Back Flow Reduction 4
19 PIV MCP LIAO, Junhui (UCLouvain) GasToF: Picosecond resolution timing detector using MCP-PMTs 5
121 PIV MCP CASTILLO GARCíA, Lucía (CERN and University of Granada) Testing Micro-channel Plates timing performance for LHCb upgrade 6
150 PIV MCP LAPINGTON, Jon (University of Leicester, UK) High speed imaging using a capacitive division technique 7
124 PIV PhotoPerf AKIMOV, Dmitri (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics) Development of VUV wavelength shifter for the use with a visible light photodetector in noble gas filled detectors. 1
133 PIV Sys-PMT GUZ, Yu (LPC Clermont) First year of runing for the LHCb calorimeter system 9
147 PIV Sys-PMT GIL ORTIZ, Alejandro (IFIC) Accurate energy measurement of double beta decays in the NEXT TPC 10